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Public Notice - RFQ for Statewide Aviation System Plan & Economic Impact of Aviation Update

The North Dakota Aeronautics Commission is requesting qualifications from experienced aviation consulting firms to provide services during the update our State Aviation System Plan and Statewide Economic Impact of Aviation studies. Both studies will be updated concurrently under the same project and are expected to be funded using a Federal Aviation Administration planning grant with an anticipated start date of July 2024. The deadline to submit a proposal is November 7th, 2023.

Posted 9/22/23 (Fri) read more »

August, 2023 Airline Boarding Update

Commercial airline boarding numbers for August 2023 reached 95,416 passengers, which represents a growth of 10,249 boardings or a 12% increase from August of 2022. All eight of the commercial service airports also had higher passenger numbers than during this same period last year.

Posted 9/18/23 (Mon) read more »

North Dakota Airline Passenger Boardings up 12% in July

Commercial airline boarding numbers for July 2023 reached 99,448 passengers, representing a 12% increase from the same period last year. Seven of the commercial service airports also had higher passenger numbers than during July of 2022.

Posted 8/23/23 (Wed) read more »

ND Airline Passenger Boardings up 11% in First Half of 2023

During the first half of calendar year 2023, North Dakota’s eight commercial service airports provided a total of 549,962 passenger boardings. This is a growth of 52,640 passengers or an 11% increase when comparing the statewide passenger counts to the first six months of 2022.

Posted 7/18/23 (Tue) read more »