North Dakota posts 73,000 Airline Passengers to Start the New Year
North Dakota’s eight commercial service airports posted a total of 73,117 airline passenger boardings during the month of January, 2022. This is a 73% increase from the 42,238 boardings that the state experienced in January, 2021.
Posted 2/18/22 (Fri) read more »
Leo Jostad to be inducted into North Dakota’s Aviation Hall of Fame
The North Dakota Aviation Hall of Fame committee announces that Leo Jostad has been selected for induction into the state’s Aviation Hall of Fame. Leo will join the prestigious aviation hall of fame group that currently includes 46 other individuals who have all had a significant impact to the growth, development, and promotion of aviation in North Dakota. For more information on the North Dakota Aviation Hall of Fame, visit
Posted 1/27/22 (Thu) read more »
North Dakota Airline Passenger Demand Showcases Remarkable Recovery in 2021
North Dakota’s commercial service airports finished calendar year 2021 with a statewide total of 886,809 airline passenger boardings. This is an increase of 314,716 passengers or a 55% increase from 2020. All eight commercial service airports were able to provide services to more passengers in 2021 than they did in the previous calendar year. In 2021, the airports also tallied 887,914 passenger deplanements for a grand total of 1,774,723 passengers (enplanements and deplanements) that traveled through the commercial service terminal buildings of North Dakota over the past year.
Posted 1/21/22 (Fri) read more »
Holiday Travel Provides Boost to Aviation Demand
North Dakota’s eight commercial service airports posted 83,429 airline passenger boardings during the recent month of November. This amounts to a 95% increase from November 2020 and a 12.5% decrease from the November 2019 pre-pandemic airline boarding counts. Additional travel demand seen during the Thanksgiving weekend was reminiscent of pre-pandemic levels in North Dakota and throughout the rest of the country.
Posted 12/16/21 (Thu) read more »