Aerial Applicators
The 2025 NDAC Aerial Applicator SAFETY VIDEO is now available.
If it flies and sprays - it comes our way:
The State of North Dakota has provisions for becoming an Aerial Applicator - you can find them here. Spring 2022 was the first opportunity for operators to apply for an aerial applicator license specifically for unmanned aircraft. The law was updated and now includes requirements and safety standards for unmanned aircraft operators to provide aerial application in North Dakota.
There is time and preparation involved in collecting documentation and working with different agencies.
- All aircraft and pilots must be known to our office.
- All aerial applicators (both manned and unmanned) are required to meet safety standard criteria and receive licensure from our office.
Manned Aerial Applicator Application
You may apply for a Manned Commercial Aerial Applicators License by completing SFN 7546.
Private Manned Aerial Applicators must complete SFN 2360. (Pilot's own land or land farmed by the pilot; not for hire)
The fee for an Aerial Applicator’s license is $200.
Unmanned Aerial Applicator Application
Before you can even begin to apply chemicals with a drone in North Dakota, even on your own farm, operators need a Remote Pilot Certificate from the FAA (Part 107); an Agricultural Aircraft Operator certificate from the FAA (Part 137), a North Dakota Pesticide Certificate (NDSU); and finally, an Unmanned Aerial Applicator License from the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission. The fee for an Aerial Applicator’s license is $200. There is no difference between commercial and private unmanned applicators.
Review the Unmanned Aerial Applicator CHECKLIST.
Visit the Game Board to see the steps you'll need to take to become an Unmanned Operator!
If you have any questions on this application, give us a call at (701) 328-9650 or email us.
Meet the qualifications for an aerial applicator as set forth in the Rules and Regulations of the ND Aeronautics Commission relating to aerial spraying, fertilizing and insect control by aircraft (drone) or helicopter.
Must be registered as a Certified Agricultural Chemical Applicator before application can be made for a state applicator certification. (Examination may be taken at your county Agent's office | NDSU Extension Service - (701) 231- 6388)
Non-resident aerial applicators from neighboring states may use their chemical certification from their state as a reciprocating agreement (contact NDSU Extension Service | (701) 231-7180).
Must have an FAA Part 137 "Agricultural Aircraft Operator Certificate" (can be obtained from FAA FSDO | (701) 492-5800). Non-residents must attach a copy of their Part 137 to state spray application. New applicators need an affidavit of experience and hours in aircraft requested on the license.
An application must be completed for aerial applicators listing all aircraft and pilots that will be operating under the license. All aircraft must be registered with the state and all pilots must have a current FAA Airman Certificate.
All aerial applicators hiring any personnel must take out ND Workmen's Compensation on all employees, including pilots, flagmen and ground crews. All operators must have a policy number of their Workmen's Compensation denoted on the spray application before a license will be issued. (Contact Workmen's Compensation at (701) 328-3800.)
It is required that each operator attend one agricultural safety meeting a year. This requirement can be met by attending the annual ND Aeronautics Commission safety meeting or going to a Professional Aerial Applicators Support System (PAASS) safety seminar. If you were not able to attend either of these programs, you have the option to watch the current year's two hour video on our website (which can be found below).
Aerial Applicator Alert Maps