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Hall of Fame

The North Dakota Aviation Hall of Fame was established to honor those who have made major achievements in aviation, in North Dakota. ND Aviation Hall of Fame inductees must have the following attributes:

  • Major achievements in aviation in North Dakota
  • Significant contributions to the development of others in aviation in North Dakota.
  • Special service to the state of North Dakota in aviation activities.
  • Activities that bring credit to North Dakota aviation, either nationally or internationally.
  • Significant contributions to the local community or the state of North Dakota that are not related to aviation (i.e.; service clubs, church related, political activities, etc).

The Aviation Hall of Fame committee is led by the Director of the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission and meets annually to select new inductee’s. To nominate an individual, the nomination form is due to the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission office by September 30th of each year.

The North Dakota Aviation Hall of Fame has a physical location that honors all inductees. This physical location is located in the terminal building at the Bismarck Municipal Airport. Physical kiosks also exist at the Fargo Air Museum, Minot Air Museum, and the Bismarck Heritage Center that also contain information regarding each inductee.

To view additional information about all of the inductees visit the North Dakota Aviation Association (NDAA) website.

Touchscreen Wall of FameDigital Trophy CaseDigital Record BoardTouchscreen Donor WallDigital Wall of FameWall of Fame PlaqueDonor WallDonor WallDonation PlaquesRocket AwardsRocket Kiosk

If you wish to help support the ND Aviation Hall of Fame, visit the North Dakota Community Foundation website and use the fund name: North Dakota Aviation Hall of Fame Fund


Below, you may view the video introductions of the most recent Aviation Hall of Fame inductees. Click the thumbnail on the upper left corner of the video screen to choose which video to watch.